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After the amazing success of their last daemon improvement, BZEdge is ready to take the next step and develop its own decentralized full node and GUI wallets to support dApps and DeFi tokens by the end of Q3, 2021.

The development team aims to achieve real decentralization with amazing features. Their roadmap is more than promising, making the best out of their blockchain technology.

So What Does BZEdge’s Roadmap Cover?

In case you didn’t hear about it before, BZEdge is a blockchain built by a decentralized community scattered all around the world with the sole purpose of providing users with better alternatives for financial services.

Q1 - The Optimizing Process

The team behind BZEdge started the year strong, with a clear design strategy, ready to be implemented. And before working on the new features, they made sure to optimize their platform so that users can have the best experience.

Therefore, they upgraded their blockchain, rebuilt their website and got a new codebase inherited from ZEC 4.3, to support much more activities.

Q2 - The Wallets Development

Now, in the second quarter, BZEdge’s team focuses on developing the right applications to ensure the smooth running of smart contracts. So they started working on their own crypto wallets to support all of these upgrades.

And because they know that users’ preferences vary, BZEdge will have both full node and lite wallets. That means you can choose to download the wallet together with the blockchain data or just use the online wallet.

Either way, you can make sure that your assets will be secured and that you can make transfers anywhere in the world without third parties being involved.

Q3 - Enabling Smart Contracts

With the platform optimized and better versions of crypto wallets, BZEdge will be ready to enable smart contracts. This will be a game-changer for the entire community and will open the doors wide for decentralized Apps.

To do that, BZEdge’s team will implement the Ethereum Virtual Machine on their blockchain. And, on top of that, they will also release mobile wallets for iOS and Android so that you can use their features on the go.

The first dApp fully developed by the team will conclude in a one-chain swap service, where users can swap, sell or buy tokens at the snap of the fingers.

Q4 - Making BZEdge Seen

Since there are thousands of crypto projects out there, it would be pretty hard for people to notice the project out of the blue. So the team will make great marketing efforts to get their project the attention it deserves.

And to make their blockchain even more beneficial to their users, BZEdge will also allow cross-chain swaps to/from its blockchain from/to Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

By the end of the year, everything will be set. The new features will extend the usability, and the decentralized services will soon take the lead.

What Benefits Bring dApps and DeFi Tokens?

"Decentralized Finance" is a term that frightens banks and governments around the world. And that’s because it solves all the flaws in the traditional banking system.

First of all, it makes all the bank services completely autonomous. You don’t have to wait for anyone to validate your transactions, so it’s a lot quicker too.

Knowing all the cases about bank providers blocking accounts out of nowhere and without any kind of explanation, it’s self-explanatory why a P2P system is preferred.

The use cases of DeFi cover anything from borrowing and lending assets to yield farming and insurances. You can literally do everything you did with traditional banks, but this time with a lot more freedom, cybersecurity, less transaction time and lower fees.

Why BZEdge?

Because BZEdge is always up to date with the changes in the crypto market but doesn’t take action until the team knows for sure that all the flaws regarding new technologies can be solved.

Now that DeFi got the green light, the team immediately started to implement it in their services. Even more, by the end of the year, there will also be implemented a secure app called BZVault.

This vault will store all the user’s passwords, private keys and other sensitive information, completely encrypted and written on the blockchain. That will guarantee users that their assets can’t disappear the next day and, even more, that their data can not be manipulated.

Nobody can delete data from the blockchain, not even BZEdge’s team members.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the BZEdge community and get maximum benefits of the crypto domain!

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