Main page Lifestyle, Bitcoin

For all the crypto fans out there, it’s a double celebration day! Not only the bitcoin whitepaper was unveiled exactly 10 years ago, but also today is the Halloween! October 31 this year is even better than Christmas! So we have put together a guide of how anyone who loves both Halloween and crypto should go about their day. Here are the top outfit ideas devoted to the first crypto:

Let’s start off with the basics here, to join the Halloween party we obviously need a bitcoin pumpkin!

And a full-sized costume to fit in:

Bring the treats with you, like a huge biscuit that’s alive:

And don’t forget about a fork to eat that dessert, like this one:

What would a party be without friends? So let’s bring two each:

And if you have kids, don’t leave them at home, they are a nightmare after all:

But if you don’t perhaps this is your worst nightmare?

Once you are inside the party make sure to make new friends, like with this guy – he is well informed and has a mining crew following his every step.

After HODLing for a few years, he will probably look like this, so it’s a sure bet!

Chocolates this year are particularly sweet - $1 sweet, ahhh – remember the times when bitcoin was worth a dollar?

But now that it's not, giveaways like these get our hearts racing even faster than all the scary costumes we come across at the party!

Bitcoin this, bitcoin that - but the younger kids on the crypto block also want to party:

Happy Halloween and 10th bitcoin whitepaper anniversary from the ihodl team!

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