The third halving, that is, a decrease in the miners’ reward by half, will happen in mid-2020. Then the reward for a found block will be reduced from 12.5 to 6.25 BTC.
According to analysts, halving will lead to a further rise in bitcoin prices. This is confirmed by the statistics of the previous years.
In total, there have been two halvings in the history of Bitcoin — in 2012 and 2016. Both times, cutting the reward resulted in a powerful bullish trend. Nonetheless, there’s a reason for investors to rejoice even now — according to statistics, in the run-up to the halving, the price of bitcoin has also been growing, although not too fast.
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In total, there have been two halvings in the history of Bitcoin — in 2012 and 2016. Both times, cutting the reward resulted in a powerful bullish trend. Nonetheless, there’s a reason for investors to rejoice even now — according to statistics, in the run-up to the halving, the price of bitcoin has also been growing, although not too fast.
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