Startups raised just $326 million in August - against $3 billion during the first three months of the year. According to Autonomous Research study In August, ICO-projects raised just $326 M - the minimum since May 2017.
Last year ICO's, that run on Ethereum blockchain, were singled out as being one of the main catalysts for ETH growth. Today, they are accused of dropping the cryptocurrency’s price (many projects are selling raised ETH to cover current costs, so the price of ETH is declining).
ICO funding was at a similar level last year in June. Back then, the figures steadily rose all the way to just over $3 billion - after which is slowly decreased to $2,7 billion and then dropped further in an inconsistent pattern to around $1,5 billion on July 2018. The most recent drop marks a five-fold decrease over the previous month.