Bitcoin is going through hard times: since January 1, it has fallen in price by 43.6% (from $ 13,676 to $ 7,720). And what about his most popular forks?
It turns out that the only profitable Bitcoin’s (Bitcoin) fork, since the beginning of the year, is Bitcoin Green (it ranks 350th in the CoinMarketCap rating with a capitalization of only $20 million). Since January 1, his rate has increased by 20%. The remaining forks fell even more than bitcoin itself.
Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin.Cash) has showed the "best" result among them: it lost "only" 53.3%. Anonymous Bitcoin Private dropped 69%. Bitcoin Atom faced even bigger problems: its rate has decreased by 99.9% since the beginning of the year.
Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin.Cash) has showed the "best" result among them: it lost "only" 53.3%. Anonymous Bitcoin Private dropped 69%. Bitcoin Atom faced even bigger problems: its rate has decreased by 99.9% since the beginning of the year.