The most expensive cryptoactivity on CoinMarketCap is the Bit20 (BTWTY) token - the index fund of the BitShares exchange. It costs over 800 thousand dollars. You can buy a stake in it, but it's not so easy.
Project-X (NANOX) comes second in the list. A coin worth over 137 thousand dollars is issued in a single copy and is traded only on the Yobit exchange. At the same time, only a small part of the asset is in circulation - 0,078264 NANOX.
The third place is occupied by 42-coin (42), which costs over 60 thousand dollars. A total of 42 of these coins has been issued, which are traded on the Cryptopia, Livecoin, Trade Satoshi exchanges.
In comparison with the above coins, Bitcoin no longer seems so expensive. In addition Bitcoin Cash (EXANTE: Bitcoin.Cash) (12th place) and Ethereum (ETH/USD) (14th place) also made it to the top 15 most expensive cryptocurrencies.