Key Facts of the Past 12 Hours - 22.11
Main page Digest, Elon Musk, US, Bitcoin Cash, France

Happy Thanksgiving to all the readers in the U.S. but the crypto news are still coming in thick and fast.


At 07:30 (GMT) total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $149.37 billion.


Ac­cord­ing to the data from,bit­coin SV is neck and neck with ABC in terms of blocks but still leading slightly with 51% hash rate.

Re­search and ad­vi­sory firms, Gart­ner high­lighted the top-10 strate­gic IoT tech­nolo­gies which will create al­ter­na­tive busi­ness mod­els.

NASA has de­cided to con­duct a com­pre­hen­sive safety re­view of com­pa­nies SpaceX and Boe­ing. Both com­pa­nies are de­vel­op­ing space­craft for de­liv­er­ing Amer­i­can as­tro­nauts to the In­ter­na­tional Space Sta­tion.

Bit­fury has hired a for­mer U.S. Se­cu­ri­ties and Ex­change Com­mis­sion (SEC) rep­re­sen­ta­tive An­nette Nazareth as a new ad­vi­sory board mem­ber.

Siemens along­side with Power Gen­er­a­tion Ser­vices have joined the En­ergy Web Foun­da­tion (EWF) to pro­mote the growth of the blockchain tech

French fi­nan­cial reg­u­la­tors al­lowed to­bacco shops to sell bit­coin start­ing next year, ac­cord­ing to a major local pub­li­ca­tion Eu­rope 1.

Span­ish Fi­nance Min­istry will check 15,000 tax­pay­ers who con­ducted cryp­tocur­rency trans­ac­tions last year.

Wait­ing for Thanks­giv­ing to ob­serve all the sweet cus­toms as­so­ci­ated with the hol­i­day? We de­cided not to change our tra­di­tions and pre­pared a se­lec­tion of alt­coins that could have brought you profit this week.

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