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Key Facts Of The Day 21.11.2018
Main page Digest

Huobi Launches Stock Exchange for Crypto Derivatives

Huobi Global an­nounced launch­ing a beta ver­sion of the cryp­tocur­rency de­riv­a­tives trad­ing plat­form. The new tool, Huobi DM al­lows its users to per­form op­er­a­tions with short and long po­si­tions to gen­er­ate in­come from the in­creas­ing volatil­ity of prices for bit­coin and alt­coins.

Weekly, fort­nightly, and quar­terly con­tracts are avail­able on the plat­form. At the mo­ment, the plat­form has al­ready begun to serve the first op­er­a­tions with de­riv­a­tives for bit­coin, se­cured by Amer­i­can dol­lars. For the time being, the mar­ket­place will con­duct all set­tle­ments under such con­tracts only in the first cryp­tocur­rency. In nom­i­nal terms, the cost of one de­riv­a­tive for bit­coin will be $100, for all other con­tracts it is set at $10. Huobi DM of­fers a lever­age of 5x, 10x or 20x.

Dr.Doom, Roubini Calls for CBDCs to Destroy Crypto

One of the most re­spected global fi­nance ex­perts in the world, an Amer­i­can pro­fes­sor Nouriel Roubini who teach­es eco­nom­ics at the Stern School of Busi­ness at New York Uni­ver­sity called on Cen­tral Banks to re­lease their own cen­tral­ized cryp­tocur­rency (CBDC).

This call might sound un­typ­i­cal for Roubini, who de­spite being an ex­pert on the global econ­omy, in­ter­na­tional fi­nan­cial mar­kets, asset and credit bub­bles, and their bust, as well as the per­son who has pre­dicted the Global Fi­nan­cial Cri­sis of 2007-2009, is bet­ter known as the Dr. Doom in the crypto com­mu­nity. The nick­name was coined be­cause of the con­stant trolling and crit­i­ciz­ing of crypto and blockchain tech­nol­ogy.

Top-10 Future Strategic IoT Solutions Identified by Gartner

One of the world’s lead­ing re­search and ad­vi­sory firms, Gart­ner high­lighted at the Gart­ner Sym­po­sium/ITxpo 2018 that took place early in No­vem­ber in Barcelona, Spain, the top-10 strate­gic IoT (in­ter­net of things) tech­nolo­gies which will cre­ate al­ter­na­tive busi­ness mod­els.

“The IoT will con­tinue to de­liver new op­por­tu­ni­ties for dig­i­tal busi­ness in­no­va­tion for the next decade, many of which will be en­abled by new or im­proved tech­nolo­gies...CIOs who mas­ter in­no­v­a­tive IoT trends have the op­por­tu­nity to lead dig­i­tal in­no­va­tion in their busi­ness,” says Nick Jones, Gart­ner Re­search VP.

What Else:

  • Over 10K Bitcoin Miners Cease Operating as Market Falls

A video has surfaced where min­ers are dis­man­tling a large min­ing farm. The tweet is ac­com­pa­nied by pho­tos of Chi­nese min­ers who stop par­tic­i­pat­ing in F2Pool.

  • Edward Snowden Unveils Book on Crypto & Blockchain

Famous whistleblower Ed­ward Snow­den wrote an ar­ti­cle for the book called "The End of Trust" ex­plaining how blockchain and cryp­tocur­rency work and shared his opin­ion about blockchain and its in­flu­ence on our so­ci­ety.

  • Spanish Finance Ministry to Review 15K Crypto Owners Over Taxes

The Span­ish Fi­nance Min­istry will check 15,000 tax­pay­ers who con­ducted cryp­tocur­rency trans­ac­tions last year.

  • Italian Regulator Suspends Crypto Companies

Ital­ian se­cu­ri­ties mar­ket reg­u­la­tor, CON­SOB sus­pended the ac­tiv­i­ties of three crypto-re­lated com­pa­nies pro­vid­ing unau­tho­rized in­vest­ment ser­vices.

At 19:20 (GMT) total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $146.0 billion

  • Bitcoin (Bitcoin) $4469 (-1.54%)
  • XRP (XRP/USD) $0.43 (-1.81%)
  • Ethereum (ETH/USD) $132 (-3.23%)
  • Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin.Cash) $228 (-3.32%)
  • Stellar (XLM/USD) $0.19 (-0.86%)

Nexo (+17.90%) showed the best growth in the top-100

Market Dynamics

The trading volume of cryptocurrencies for 24 hours reached $18.99 (-5.56 billion per day) 18.99

Mining Profitability

  • BTC $1.62 for 10 TH/s
  • ETH $0.12 for 10 MH/s
  • BCH $4.04 for 1 TH/s
  • LTC $2.29 for 1 GH/s
  • DASH $0.03 for 1 GH/s

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