Key Facts Of The Day 19.11.2018
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Bear Chases Market, Bitcoin Touching $5K

After a rel­a­tively quiet trad­ing this week­end, the cryp­tocur­rency mar­ket re­sumed its de­cline in the morn­ing hours of Mon­day.

At about 03:00 (GMT), the bit­coin rate began to de­cline again and dropped from the $5.600 level below $5.300, and cur­rently, at the time of writ­ing, is trad­ing at $5.0872, thus los­ing more than 9.00%. The last time cryp­tocur­rency showed such rates was on Oc­to­ber 12, 2017.

BCH Battlefield Update: Heading into Trench War?

This Sun­day, the third largest cryp­tocur­rency ex­change Huobi an­nounced that bit­coin ABC, one of the two chains cre­ated as a re­sult of the hard­fork of bit­coin Cash this week, will re­ceive the orig­i­nal BCH ticker, while the bit­coin SV chain will con­tinue to be called BSV.

An­other cryp­tocur­rency ex­change, cur­rently ranked 17 by daily turnover, Kraken has also con­firmed that it will put bit­coin ABC to­kens for trad­ing under the ticker BCH.

Today in the morn­ing bit­coin SV has man­aged to beat bit­coin ABC cut­ting the dif­fer­ence in mined blocks up to two. How­ever, later bit­coin ABC re­gained its po­si­tion

Vitalik Buterin Discovers New Friends in Turkey?

Turk­ish crypto com­mu­nity fi­nally caught the at­ten­tion of the ethereum cre­ator Vi­ta­lik Bu­terin. Turk­ish peo­ple have been re­ply­ing and com­ment­ing on Bu­terin’s tweets for a long time now. Vi­ta­lik asked in his tweet if there was a large Turk­ish com­mu­nity he hadn’t in­ter­acted with yet.

In fact, there is not only a large crypto com­mu­nity in Turkey, but also there are well-struc­tured pro­jects, or­ga­ni­za­tions, de­vel­op­ers, and min­ers. In 2018 Turk­ish Lira (TRY) lost 40% of its value against U.S. dol­lar, the in­fla­tion reached 25%. The econ­omy is not doing very well and be­cause of this one out of every five peo­ple ei­ther knows, hodls, or mines crypto.

What Else:

  • KPMG: Cryptocurrencies to Bloom Under a Number of Conditions

Cryp­tocur­ren­cies can­not be ig­nored, but in­sti­tu­tion­al­iza­tion, elim­i­na­tion of volatil­ity and trans­par­ent reg­u­la­tions will re­al­ize the full po­ten­tial of vir­tual as­sets.

  • Christie's Makes $318M Art Sale on Blockchain

The amount collected from the sale of the Barney A. Ebsworth collection at Christie's famous auction house in New York estimated to a total of $317,801,250. In a press re­lease pub­lished by Christie's, it is said that the auc­tion was held in part­ner­ship with the tech­nol­ogy provider Ar­tory, fo­cus­ing on the field of art, as well as using the blockchain to record in­for­ma­tion about the auc­tion.

  • Ron Paul's Twitter: Bitcoin is Most Popular 10-Year Investment

Over the past few days, Ron Paul, a retired American politician and former U.S. presidential candidate, conducted a survey on a Twitter where they would invest $10,000. 50% of users preferred to invest in bitcoin.

  • Waves Keeper – Now in Chrome Web Store

The de­vel­op­ers of the Waves Blockchain plat­form have re­leased the pre­vi­ously an­nounced browser ex­ten­sion Waves Keeper to se­curely sign trans­ac­tions.

At 18:30 (GMT) total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $166.8 billion

  • Bitcoin (Bitcoin) $5075 (-9.69%)
  • XRP (XRP/USD) $0.48 (-5.03%)
  • Ethereum (ETH/USD) $153 (-12.97%)
  • Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin.Cash) $347 (-9.52%)
  • Stellar (XLM/USD) $0.22 (-10.16%)

Nasdacoin (+8.14%) showed the best growth in the top-100

Market Dynamics

The trading volume of cryptocurrencies for 24 hours reached $18.66 (+3 billion per day)

Mining Profitability

  • BTC $1.90 for 10 TH/s ↘️
  • ETH $0.13 for 10 MH/s ↘️
  • BCH $0.67 for 1 TH/s ↗️
  • LTC $2.28 for 1 GH/s ↘️
  • DASH $0.03 for 1 GH/s ↘️

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