Key Facts Of The Day 15.11.2018
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Bitcoin Cash Hardfork is Here

Today, No­vem­ber 15, Bit­coin Cash splits into two sep­a­rate forks – Bit­coin ABC (main Bit­coin Cash fork) and Bit­coin SV (Satoshi's Vi­sion).

The Bitcoin Cash network has now been upgraded and four blocks have been mined under the new consensus rules. Bitcoin ABC is currently 2 blocks ahead, according to the СoinDance.

Why Did Crypto Market Crash?

The cost of bit­coin on Thurs­day morn­ing, No­vem­ber 15, has al­ready de­creased by more than 10%, reach­ing a min­i­mum since Oc­to­ber 2017, while the largest alt­coins lost in price up to 15%, by the time of writ­ing.

Today it be­came known that around $670 mil­lion worth BTC has just moved from the biggest cryp­tocur­rency ex­changes Bi­nance and Bitfinex in sin­gle trans­ac­tions.

The only coins that re­mained rel­a­tively un­af­fected in the cur­rent bear­ish trend are the sta­ble­coins. De­signed to cre­ate a soft buffer dur­ing the un­ex­pected mar­ket volatil­ity sta­ble­coins that are backed by fiat cur­ren­cies in a 1:1 ratio.

Canaan’s $400 Million IPO Application Expired

Hong Kong Stock Ex­change (HKEX) re­moved crypto min­ing equip­ment man­u­fac­turer Canaan’s ex­pired IPO ap­pli­ca­tion from con­sid­er­a­tion.

The ap­pli­ca­tion be­came ob­so­lete this Thurs­day six months after fil­ing. If Canaan wants to pro­ceed with the IPO, they need to sub­mit a new ap­pli­ca­tion up­dat­ing their fi­nan­cial in­for­ma­tion. Ini­tially, Canaan in­tended to raise $1 bil­lion dur­ing the pub­lic of­fer­ing as they an­nounced back in May. Later, the com­pany re­duced this goal to $400 mil­lion.

Altcoins You Failed to Profit From — Week XII

Every­thing is bad and the mar­ket is in the red zone? These three alt­coins (spoiler alert — plus one sta­ble­coin) do not think so. If you in­vested in these dig­i­tal as­sets, you could earn in these dif­fi­cult times. So, here are our fear­less lead­ers: Nasdacoin, Etheera, Nexo + Bonus (USD Coin).

What Else:

  • Nearly 1% of All Ethereum Locked by MakerDAO Project

Mike Mac­don­ald, the cre­ator of MKR.​tools, tweeted that about 1 mil­lion ether, al­most 1% of ethereum’s total sup­ply, is cur­rently locked in Mak­er­DAO's smart con­tracts.

  • Google Play’s Fake Crypto Wallets

Mal­ware re­searcher and cy­ber­se­cu­rity spe­cial­ist Lukas Ste­fanko claimed that he found four fake cryp­tocur­rency wal­lets on the Google Play Store that were try­ing to steal users per­sonal data.

  • Marshall's President Survived Vote of No Confidence

The Pres­i­dent of the Mar­shall Is­lands, Hilda Heine that is fa­mous for push­ing an in­tro­duc­tion of sov­er­eign, state-backed cryp­tocur­rency re­cently sur­vived her vote of no con­fi­dence.

  • German Crypto Exchange Buys Investment Bank

The only li­censed Ger­man cryp­tocur­rency ex­change, Bit­coin Group SE has pur­chased a Frank­furt in­vest­ment bank, Trem­mel Wert­pa­pier­han­dels­bank GmbH in its en­tirety.

At 18:40 (GMT) total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $184.0 billion

  • Bitcoin (Bitcoin) $5595 (-2.93%)
  • XRP (XRP/USD) $0.46 (+3.23%)
  • Ethereum (ETH/USD) $178 (-2.64%)
  • Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin.Cash) $420 (-3.53%)
  • Stellar (XLM/USD) $0.23 (+0.83%)

Nasdacoin (+244.58%) showed the best growth in the top-100

Market Dynamics

The trading volume of cryptocurrencies for 24 hours reached $22.2 (+4.2 billion per day)

Mining Profitability

  • BTC $2.00 for 10 TH/s ↘️
  • ETH $0.15 for 10 MH/s ↘️
  • BCH $0.18 for 1 TH/s ↗️
  • LTC $2.72 for 1 GH/s ↗️
  • DASH $0.04 for 1 GH/s ↘️

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