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New Top-100 Token – Why Etheera Breaks Records

Etheera Token (ETA) has soared in price by 82.960% over the past two weeks and hit the top 100 cryp­tocur­ren­cies by cap­i­tal­iza­tion. At the same time, the token got on the Coin­Mar­ket­Cap list only in Oc­to­ber of this year. ETA is based on the ethereum net­work that was launched in the first quar­ter of 2018. Based on the pro­ject page on Bit­cointalk, the ETA token was added to the de­cen­tral­ized ex­changes Bar­ter­DEX and Hy­per­DEX. In ad­di­tion, the token has been listed on sev­eral other ex­changes, in­clud­ing Bitker, Coini­cal, and Ether­shift.

Etheera is a global real es­tate plat­form. The pro­ject is being de­vel­oped by a Swiss com­pany IZ Im­mo­bilien Kriens GmbH. The com­pany claims to have cre­ated the first de­cen­tral­ized global real es­tate plat­form with the goal of be­com­ing a de­cen­tral­ized hub for di­rect real es­tate trans­ac­tions be­tween the buyer and the seller.

What to Expect From BCH Hardfork?

The bit­coin cash hard­fork date (No­vem­ber 15) is draw­ing ever closer, how­ever, if pre­vi­ously the hard­forks didn’t split the com­mu­nity and went by rather peace­fully, this time there are two dis­tinct camps.

The hard­fork it­self is noth­ing out of the or­di­nary since bit­coin cash has a planned up­date every six months. It is ba­si­cally just an ir­re­versible up­grade, and bit­coin cash in it­self is a won­der­ful ex­am­ple of this, it is a hard­fork from bit­coin, which lead us to have two sep­a­rate and func­tion­ing cryp­tocur­ren­cies. Be­cause a hard­fork de­pends on the min­ers, it is a sim­ple pro­ce­dure, when there is no con­flict of in­ter­est, all the min­ers sim­ply shift to the new par­a­digm and the crypto car­ries on its ex­is­tence, just in a new form.

What Is Petro & What to Do With It?

The idea to es­tab­lish a na­tional cryp­tocur­rency ap­peared as a way of solv­ing the poor eco­nomic sit­u­a­tion in the coun­try. In­fla­tion has gone through the roof in Venezuela and the pres­i­dent or­dered a cryp­tocur­rency that would be based on the coun­tries oil re­serves in order to re­solve the sit­u­a­tion.

If one is ac­cus­tomed to the world of crypto, then at first glance, look­ing at the strange na­tional cryp­tocur­rency of Venezuela, they might be­come be­wil­dered, and ques­tion the “cryp­toness” of the cur­rency. The prob­lem is, that the petro doesn’t have the feel of a de­cen­tral­ized cryp­tocur­rency.

What Else:

  • Ripple Lawsuit Moving to Federal Court

A legal bat­tle be­tween Rip­ple and its in­vestors is mov­ing into a new stage as the lawsuit is moving into a fed­eral court as hun­dreds of peo­ple are suing the com­pany for over $5 mil­lion.

  • Bitmain Co-Founder Left Board of Directors

The head of Bit­main, the largest man­u­fac­turer of min­ing equip­ment, Jihan Wu re­signed from the board of di­rec­tors and moved to the po­si­tion of su­per­vi­sor.

  • Retail Giant Target Hacked, Promoting Crypto Scam

Group of uniden­ti­fied hack­ers hi­jacked the of­fi­cial Twit­ter ac­count of Amer­i­can re­tail giant Tar­get in order to push ma­li­cious bit­coin give­away links.

  • Swiss Crypto Bank ‘SEBA’ Expects Banking License

A cryp­tocur­rency startup based in Switzer­land, SEBA Crypto AG ex­pects bank­ing li­cense in 2019 fol­low­ing the in­crease of in­ter­est in crypto bank­ing ser­vices.

At 18:00 (GMT) total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $212.4 billion

  • Bitcoin (TICKER: BTC.EXANTE) $6392 (+0.02%)
  • Ethereum (TICKER: ETH/USD.BITFINEX) $209 (-0.56%)
  • XRP (TICKER: XRP.EXANTE) $0.51 (-0.40%)
  • Bitcoin Cash (TICKER: BCH.EXANTE) $536 (+2.59%)
  • EOS (EXANTE: EOS.EXANTE) $5.39 (-0.32%)

Nexo (+13.39%) showed the best growth in the top-100

Market Dynamics

The trading volume of cryptocurrencies for 24 hours reached $13.2 billion (-0.1 billion per day)

Mining Profitability

  • BTC $2.12 for 10 TH/s
  • ETH $0.18 for 10 MH/s
  • BCH $0.21 for 1 TH/s
  • LTC $3.34 for 1 GH/s
  • DASH $0.05 for 1 GH/s

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