Key Facts Of The Day 2.11.2018
Main page Digest, Apple, Winklevoss Brothers, Facebook, Tether, Japan, ETFs, Cryptocurrency
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Nov. 2, 2018

From Lawsuits to Fortunes: Winklevoss Sue Charlie Shrem for 5K BTC

The founders of the Gemini crypto exchange, brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, are suing an early supporter of Bitcoin and the entrepreneur Charlie Shrem because of several thousand bitcoins that he allegedly appropriated during a business deal several years ago.

Shrem, who served a prison term for money laundering and providing financial services without a license through his Bitinstant exchange, helped the brothers to invest in Bitcoin in 2012.

Tether Finds New Partner – Questions Still Remain

Tether Limited, the issuer of stablecoin USDT, has officially confirmed its cooperation with Deltec Bank, which is a financial institution from the Bahamas. The company decided to confirm once again that it possessed sufficient funds to provide the total amount of issued USDT tokens.

Tether Limited claims that Deltec has conducted a thorough review of the company and only after that accepted the project as a client. The financial institution conducted an analysis of the processes, policies, and legal compliance, as well as a full check of information about shareholders, ultimate beneficiaries, and managers of Tether Limited. Among other things, Deltec evaluated the company's ability to bind to the dollar at any time and its reserve management policy.

BlackRock Refrains from Launching Bitcoin-ETF

Investment company BlackRock will not offer its clients bitcoin-ETF until it sees that the crypto industry is mature enough and has become legitimate. Such a statement has been made by the company's CEO Larry Fink at the New York Times Dealbook Conference.

“I wouldn't say never, when it's [the industry] legitimate, yes,” said Larry Fink, answering the question of whether BlackRock is considering launching such a financial instrument. He explained that the crypto industry needed to enlist the support of the government. But at the same time, no government will embrace such assets until they know that “money's going for tax evasion and all of these other issues.”

What Else:

Coinsource Licensed: Crypto ATMs Start Expansion?

Coinsource, an operator of bitcoin ATMs, has received a license to work in the state of New York. This is a significant event for the crypto community, as this is the first time that BitLicense has been issued to the crypto ATM operator.

Personal Data of 257K Facebook Users Leaked Online

257k Facebook users’ data was leaked with public access, including more than a third of the personal correspondence.

Japanese Government to Introduce ICO Regulation

The Japanese government is going to introduce a set of initial coin offering (ICO) regulations, according to a report of local media outlet Nikkei.

Apple Earns Record $62.9B in 4Q Today 14:48

Apple achieved earnings per share of $2.91. This is an absolute record in the history of the gadget's manufacturer.

At 18:30 (GMT) total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $206.5 billion

Ravencoin (+19.60%) showed the best growth in the top-100

Market Dynamics

The trading volume of cryptocurrencies for 24 hours reached $11.9 billion (+1.7 billion per day)

Mining Profitability

  • BTC $2.03 for 10 TH/s ↘️
  • ETH $0.17 for 10 MH/s ↗️
  • BCH $0.26 for 1 TH/s ↗️
  • LTC $3.08 for 1 GH/s ↗️
  • DASH $0.04 for 1 GH/s ↘️

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