Key Facts Of The Day 08.06.2018
Main page Digest, Alibaba, Bitcoin Cash, Cardano, Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Alibaba Subsidiary Raises $ 14 billion for Blockchain

Chinese firm Ant Financial, a payment affiliate of the Alibaba Group (NYSE: BABA), was able to raise approximately $ 14 billion through Series C funding. Money that was collected by a group of private investors will be directed towards advancing technological innovations and most notably, blockchain development. Such technology could be introduced into payment systems and other financial services.

Bitcoin Cash Zero-fee Initiative Gains Support

Two large Bitcoin Cash mining pools push for zero-fee transactions as part of the “Miner’s choice” initiative. Bitcoin Cash mining pools ViaBTC and have announced their support for the movement which calls for miners to remove the minimum ‘dust limits’ and begin processing a certain amount of zero-pay transactions.

Ethereum Bug Fixed

Parity crypto service specialists have found a critical consensus bug in the Ethereum TestNet. The announcement of the discovery was released alongside a fix on the company’s blog page. As noted by the service representatives, the issue caused users fall out of synchronization as they used the software and as a result other network members could not recognize their transactions. The bug was due to a recent upgrade added by Parity to its test network as ethereum platform is testing out a change the transaction validating system, aiming to eradicate the bitcoin-style hardware-based mining for good.

New Cardano is Here

Cardano has undergone a complete brand refresh. As a result, the design of the website and the information displayed to it has been completely reworked. The intention was for the Cardano websites to become more intuitive for users. IOHK designers are confident that they provided Cardano with a genuine identity that accurately represents the project visually.

The SEC Will Not Bend

The head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Jay Clayton, said that the SEC would not review the definition of a security. Companies that raise funds through sales of digital tokens should not think that the government would treat them differently than firms participating in the traditional securities market. In addition, the SEC will not change the rules for initial coin offerings. Clayton gave a clear signal that the fight against the fraudulent ICOs is just beginning. He also noted that there are already examples of how fraudsters have left the US.

Susquehanna Takes Up Crypto Trading

Susquehanna International Group, one of the largest investment companies in the world, will begin offering its clients cryptocurrencies as a class of assets for trading. Pennsylvania-based financial company, is one of the largest trading firms. It has long dealt in options, E.T.F.s, and other securities. Now the company opens bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies up for trade to a group of its 500 clients. Two years prior to this, Susquehanna processed similar transactions privately.

Japan Beats on Bitcoin

The Japanese financial regulator has for the first time refused to authorize a licence for a crypto-exchange platform. The Financial Services Agency (FSA) has rejected the registration of the cryptocurrency exchange FSHO. An inspection of the company has revealed that the Yokohama-based firm does not possess the necessary systems required to manage its business.

Art for Bitcoin

Andy Warhol’s painting, “14 Small Electric Chairs” will go on auction via the Maecenas blockchain platform. Bidding will be held on June 20 at the British art gallery Dadiani Syndicate. The cost of the canvas is $5.6 million, according to British media.

At 13.30 (GMT+1) total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $338,07 billion

Bibox Token (+13,57%) showed the best growth in the top-100

Market Dynamics

The trading volume of cryptocurrencies for 24 hours reached to $ 15,6 billion (+0,5 billion per day)

Mining Profitability

  • Bitcoin: $ 0,40 for TH/s
  • Ethereum: $ 0,05 for MH/s
  • BitcoinCash: $ 0,39 for TH/s
  • Litecoin: $ 5,44 for GH/s
  • Dash: $ 0,16 for GH/s

Ongoing ICO:

Expected ICOs:

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By Ekaterina Ulyanova

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