Key Facts Of The Day 15.05.2018
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Bitcoin Cash Hardforks Today

Today Bitcoin Cash (EXANTE: Bitcoin.Cash) hardforked without creating a new cryptocurrency. Developers upgraded the block size from 8MB to 32MB which should improve the functionality of the network.

The Ruling On the Blocking of Telegram Has Not Come Into Force

The lawyers of the messenger had time to file a complaint against the verdict, the head of the Moscow City Court’s press service, Ulyana Solopova said. So the message of the entry into force of the verdict was posted automatically due to a mistake and will soon be deleted.

And the Insider Pro's Telegram channel works great. You can find more key news in Blockchain and cryptocurrency market. Join!

Blockchain to Help Cut Carbon Dioxide Emissions

IBM announced the signing of a partnership agreement with the environmental fintech-startup Veridium Labs to issue a token using a public blockchain. Under the agreement, companies plan to tokenize carbon credits, which will allow industrial companies, whose activities pollute the atmosphere, to compensate for damagecaused to their activities by the environment. Revenues from the sale of tokens will be used to restore the area of the tropical forest area on the island of Borneo, Indonesia.

Joseph Lubin and Jimmy Song Made a Bet During the Consensus 2018

The reason for the dispute was Lubin's statement that five years in the future, the blockchain space will include some number of applications - perhaps five - that have earned a yet-to-be-defined number of users. He promised to give Song "any amount of bitcoin" if this will not happen. Song accepted the bet:

The Search System Bing from Microsoft Will Prohibit the Advertising Of Cryptocurrency

The ban will enter into force in June, and until the end of July, the announcement of this topic will completely disappear from the company's network, according to the blog BingAds.

“Because cryptocurrency and related products are not regulated, we have found them to present a possible elevated risk to our users with the potential for bad actors to participate in predatory behaviors, or otherwise scam consumers.”

Reddit Of The Day

The most popular theme of the day at Reddit was a meme dedicated to the rapper 50 Cent.

Total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $391 807 899 944

By Ekaterina Ulyanova

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