Cryptocurrency Market Review 26.04.2018
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17 millionth Bitcoin mined. The 17 millionth Bitcoin has been mined on Thursday more than a year since the number of coins topped 16 million, according to data from This means more than 80 percent of the 21 million Bitcoins that will ever exist have now been created. Assuming the Bitcoin protocol remains the same, the last new Bitcoin will not be mined until May 2140.

Bintifex lists four new tokens. Cryptocurrency trading platform Bitfinex has introduced trading for four new tokens - Aragon (ANT), Storj (STORJ), Dether (DTH) and Mithril (MITH). All tokens will be tradable against Bitcoin (Bitcoin), Ethereum and USD. Margin and P2P funding will be enabled for all markets as and when the order books develop sufficient liquidity.

Ripple announces five new customers. Five new customers across Europe and Asia – FairFX (UK), RationalFX (UK), Exchange4Free (UK), UniPAY (Georgia), and MoneyMatch (Malaysia) – will use xVia to power frictionless payments over RippleNet. xVia is an API solution enabling payment originators – those sending a payment on behalf of a customer, but not actually processing and paying it out – to access and reap the benefits of RippleNet.

Coincheck owner Monex to develop its own blockchain. Monex Group, Japan-based online trading giant and the new owner of Coincheck exchange, is planning to develop its own blockchain platform. Although no further details were provided on the blockchain plans, the company detailed for the first time Coincheck's financial standing after it had suffered one of the biggest heists in history. The exchange made a profit of 500 million yen in February and March following the hack.

The total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $406 678 021 065.

Reddit of the Day

The mining of the 17 millionth Bitcoin was one of the most popular topics Reddit.

Expected ICOs

For the full list of ongoing and expected ICOs click here.

By Siranush Ghazanchyan

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