Cryptocurrency Market Review 02.04.2018
Main page Digest, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cryptocurrency
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April 2, 2018

Cryptocurrency market cup 59% down. The total cryptocurrency market capitalization has dropped by 59% in the first quarter of 2018. Bitcoin's (EXANTE: Bitcoin) market capitalization has dropped by 59% - from 613 to 252 billion dollars in Q1of 2018, but the cryptocurrency still looks quite descent as compared to many large altcoins. For example, Ripple (XRP/USD), Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin.Cash) and Cardano have lost more than 70% of the cost in due period.

Steem's market cap hits $366 million. Steem has a total market capitalization of $366.45 million and approximately $1.11 million worth of Steem was traded on exchanges in the last day. Steem coin's price now equals to $1.43 on popular cryptocurrency exchanges including OpenLedger DEX, Bittrex, HitBTC and Upbit.

AirAsia Planning Own Cryptocurrency Popular budget airline AirAsia has confirmed plans to launch proprietary cryptocurrency called BigCoin. The cryptocurrency will see its own ICO, which would allow the coins to be bought at exchanges. CEO Tony Fernandes expects BigCoin to be accepted by third-party businesses in the future.

Buterin says Ethereum*cap proposal a 'joke worth taking seriously.'* Ethereum (ETH/USD)creator Vitalik Buterin has confessed that the proposal to create a hard cap on the supply of Ether tokens was intended as an April Fool's "meta-joke." While he said he originally just wanted to see people argue over the merits of fixing the supply, Buterin added that he now believes the idea is "worth considering."

The total cryptocurrency market capitalization stands at $261,517,682,488.

Expected ICOs

For the full list of ongoing ICOs click here.

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