2.27 (Reviews 2)
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Daniel Tuma Sept. 26, 2015
I was scamed by ubinary about 1,5 month ago for $3000. They unauthorised withdraw from my bank account $3000. They give me insured first traid and promised that I could withdraw in few days later. Until now my account manager make 2 trades without notice my first. 1st for $1500 which I of course lost. 2nd for $750 lost as well. I have at this time $1200 on my account and not able to withdraw yet as they promised several times. I should see this website before investing in ubinary. I see many people get scamed and they try to get they money back witch is impossible. But what we can do to get removed ubinary app from Google and Apple so no more people can be scamed?
Abdelrahman Sept. 13, 2015
UBinary is scam, i have GOLD account with this broker. First 1.5 months everything was ok the broker was calling me on daily basis and we agree on trades together and things were fine not big profits but at least loses were controlled and capital was safe. Then i informed him that by mid of August i will need to withdraw 20K USD, so we need to plan for it accordingly. And he said ok no problem, don't worry. That was by mid of July 2016. Then by end of July we lost successive trades which cleared out all our profits and my broker started to tell me that he has some family emergencies and his wife is sick ..bla,bla.. and suddenly dissappeared and another broker called me and introduced himself that he is my saver and he is coming to recover the losses and make sure that i am happy with UBinary and will keep investing with them and that the EX broker was not doing things correctly and we need to deposit 10K USD to maintain the opened trades in case required to flip it. I told this new broker that i don't have more funds to deposit now and it was planned to withdraw 20K by mid of August and you have to use the funds in the account to make short term profitable trades to recover loses. He ignored me and insisted that no way other than make a deposit and he promised to make an insured trade with this deposit to grantee that i will not lose it. Unfortunatly, i made the deposite and he sent me the insured trade contract and he opened the tade and lost it. After 3 days they returned back the insured funds to my account (15K) after i requested to esclate and to complain and his boss called me (Ryan Allman) and said that he will take care of the account and he helped me in SEP NFP to make profit. Then i asked him for a withdrawal which was supposed to be in mid of August but i had to postpond to recover the account, he told me i need to check if it's possible. I asked why it could be not possible?? hen he came back saying that there are terms for insured trades and i can't withdraw untill i trade 20 times with the insured amount, i told him this is not included in the insured trade contract which i have and this rule applies only for bonus not for insured trade which i deposited it's funds!!! Since this time i am not able to withdraw my funds and they blocked me to do withdraw through the website and i on't know what to do.... I have emails and skype conversations if required..

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