2.30 (Reviews 3)
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Reviews 3

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Carlos Nov. 9, 2016
Topoption is SCAM!!! The topoption refuses to give me my money, for 3 to 5 months raised around 1100 euros, starting from a height have spent months and so far has not responded to my emails, I have an outstanding deposit will about 1 week, is still pending and do not answer me, and no, I did not accept any bonus, never accept. I think the best is to forget the binary options... 09/11/2016
Raed Jan. 1, 2016
Top option is a very bad broker with bad cheap ways of steeling people money, every trade opened should be subject to a freeze in platform with evental loss, nevere ever put money in such bad cheap shops.
Henrik May 12, 2013
The first broker I tried. Experienced some lag when trading 60 second binaries. Successful withdrawal of 0.80‰â no fees and 1 business week for the transaction to be complete. Don't know if it will be as fast if there are profits involved. Best platfrom for beginner. Request a demo account if you start with them.

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