2.31 (Reviews 3)
  • Features
  • Reviews

Company Information

Broker’s name
RB Options
Accepts US Clients

Trading Platform

Trailing Stops
One-Click Execution
OCO Orders

Account Options

Mini Account
Segregated Account
Islamic Account (swap free)
Managed Accounts


Interest on margin

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Bonuses and Rewards


Reviews 3

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John July 6, 2016
A lot of talk........ all the Account Manager/ Trader wanted to do was trade my account on stock options. Very pushy to the point of obnoxious. They are not interested in trading your account to make you money. I traded my own account with 3 different platforms up at one time and not one of them was the same at any given time. Be warned about pricing.......
Johann2 May 24, 2015
Yes. Thy will phone you and promise you big money with there expertise knowledge. Be careful. Do not take any bonuses from them and do not use their signals. 30 percent success and your account will me in shambles in 3 days. Then he will ask for more funds to fix the account. Stay away from them. There are good brokers out there. i.e Binary Internationsal. Good treining and quick withdrawals.
na April 14, 2014

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