2.22 (Reviews 3)
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Company Information

Broker’s name
GT Options
Accepts US Clients

Trading Platform

Trailing Stops
One-Click Execution
OCO Orders

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Mini Account
Segregated Account
Islamic Account (swap free)
Managed Accounts


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Reviews 3

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Van June 27, 2015
GTOptions is a scamer. They turned my winning trades to loosing trades, I'm a 60 seconds trader, the below is my story: I have bought a PUT option USD/JPY, the trade was executed on: 10:34:11 15/05/2013 at the rate 102.723 and at the expired time the pair dropped below 102.710, I thought that was 100% winning trade. But the dealer, they kept the position in 1 minute with no result displayed on the screen. After that, they changed the expired time to 10:35:05 15/05/2013 (instead of 10:35:11 15/05/2013) and the position expired at 102.726 as a loosing trade. I have sent many emails (more than 10 times) to them with a screenshot of that trade to ask them make an investigation and compensate for my lost. They never reply my emails. Do not trade with this scamer. Van
Mike June 10, 2013
I think is the best broker that the binary industry have to offer, i trade with them best broker, best support fast withdrawal.
arnaud July 7, 2012
they are scam they have still my money and did not want to give it back hiding behind stupid conditions. be aware and do not go with them

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