2.30 (Reviews 3)
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EZTrader FC
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Reviews 3

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fxchamp Dec. 11, 2015
The way they scammed is different about week a go I received an email from my known contact list with a link which took me to a video of some tv programme posing as real where a guy is handing over award for an excellent innovation for their trading algorithm software called "ultimate4trader.net" and asking them various questions and putting up a show like a real one.you can see it in their link http://www.start-up365.net. I registered with ultimate4trader.net and started trading in demo account and result were very good. Ultimate traderwebsite is linked with eztrader.com so when you open an account with ultimate4trader.net it directly opens an account with eztrader.com after trying demo account I deposited å£250 (their minimum deposit) and without my permission they added 50% bonus of å£125.00. when I started trading real time I lost all money in two days.
DragonSlayer Oct. 19, 2015
EZTrader & their tool OptioNavigator are absolutely a SCAM!! They manipulate their trade-systeem, see i.e. here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI5lXg1Efxg and do a search at YT "ezatrader scam" to find many more. Besides that: their BONUS is BOGUS, just another way to steal your money. And if you would become a VIP you'll loose your money even faster. Come unite with us at claimsEZT@gmail.com We're taking all kinds of actions against these illegal practices. We have SOLID PROOF of ALL THEIR SCAMS! DragonSlayer PS WARNING: The "good stories" here are submitted by themselves and people they pay to do so! They do that everywhere where people complain about their "service".
Thomas Van Dijk April 8, 2014
In my opinion, right now Eztrader is the rising star of binary options market. They improved A LOT in the last year, especially with their Dutch support desk.

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