EtherCards Framework is Coming: The Launch is Scheduled for March 18
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EtherCards platform’s framework is about to arrive, with only 6 days remaining before the official launch. The launch is expected to take place on March 18, 2021, and it will grant virtually any participant to maximize opportunities and value that their chosen NFT tokens have to offer.

Details About the Framework

According to what is known, the framework consists of two crucial parts. One is the EtherCards platform, while the other includes underlying tokens. The platform will then function as an NFT framework, driven by the community, and capable of enabling the growth and expansion of NFT marketplace capabilities.

The idea is to increase these capabilities beyond what is currently possible, and provide access to building blocks for a number of different utilities, including bounties, bingos, raffles and more.

As for the tokens, they work as an advanced membership card. Owning them gives holders multiple benefits, such as various discounts, royalty contracts, additional bonuses and even free service in some cases.

It is worth mentioning that the tokens will have different value, and their rarity will also vary from token to token. As a result, there will be different levels of logistical and financial advantage, depending on which token is held. Some of the best cards will be distributed on a first-come-first-served basis, starting after the framework launch on March 4.

What Features Will the Cards Have to Offer?

According to EtherCards, the cards released on the launch day will offer extra advantages — even more than what will be offered by collections that will come later down the line.

The platform revealed that some of the cards’ additional benefits will include providing perpetual fee-waivers, offering significant, multi-use perpetual discounts on services and EtherCards assets.

Once again, all of this will only be available in March, during the launch period. Once the sale ends, the opportunity to earn these additional benefits will disappear, as well.

And, for those worried about the fairness of feature distribution — don’t be. The platform will use Chainlink’s VRF, which will guarantee randomness at point of sale. Chainlink is well-known for its technology and transparency, so investors can rest assured that there will be no favoring — everyone will be in the same boat, so to speak.

What Collections Will be Available At Launch?

The company revealed that there will be three collections available in this initial period.

The first one will be called OG (Original Gangster), and it will feature only 90 pieces. These will be the rarest cards by far, and as a result — the most valuable and the most sought after.

The second collection, known as Alpha, will feature 900 pieces in total. These will still be considered pretty rare and valuable, despite the fact that the collection will have 10 times more pieces than the OG one. Lastly, the third collection, known as Common, will have 9,000 pieces.

Another thing worth noting is that each collection will have a serial number on it, and the shorter the number — the better the features.

The Founder Cards collection, for example, will only have 1-digit serial numbers, going from 0 to 9. These are the exception to the rule, as they will not come with any real features. They will, however, be exceptionally rare, and are expected to have great sentimental value, and potentially great monetary value as a result.

The other three collections will have strong features, which makes them much more worth having. For example, OG Card collection will have 90 cards, as mentioned, with each card having a serial number from 10 to 99. They will offer features such as free service, royalty payments, and discounts, and will be 3 times more likely to get these features than normal cards.

Alpha Cards’ serial number will consist of three digits, ranging from 100 to 999, and they will have 2 times better chance of granting features than regular cards. As for Common cards, they will make up the rest of the group, with serial numbers consisting of 4 digits. These will be marked by numbers from 1000 to 9999, and even they can bring some traits to holders, although the chance is significantly lower than what the owners of OG cards and Alpha cards can expect.

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